Tuesday, November 17, 2009

nanoparticles to the rescue?

This is so insane! Great breaking scientific developments claim nanoparticles could be used to achieve, well, just about anything. Increasingly, nanoparticles are being touted as solutions to many problems, such as ice removal from airport tarmacs. Sure it sounds cool but once you introduce them into the environment, there's no turning back. Widespread, diffuse use of nanoparticles is beyond stupid. It's suicidal.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Dose Makes the Poison?

We are quickly realizing the significance and prevalence of toxic and radioactive contaminants in our drinking water, environments and building materials.

Do people who move multiple times in their lives avoid accumulating the critical dose of their local contaminant?

Before the radon gets you in NJ, move to TN to begin your exposure to coal runoff, but move before that really does you in to FL and soak up the UV.

Are the least healthy people in the US the ones that still live where they grew up?

The rural South, Appalachia, the Mid West....